'RIDERS' is an experimental series created in collaboration with Australia-based Cam Elkins of Stories of Bike, with additional help from Andrew Jones on the synthesizers and soundtrack. The 'RIDERS' series feature interviews, still photography, and the insights from various riders that offer a peek into their beginnings with motorcycling
and their enduring love of the culture.  


RIDERS V: Henry Crew

Presenting the latest in the Stories of Bike: RIDERS series, featuring Henry Crew, the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe by motorcycle. In this episode, Henry talks about his history with motorcycles, his mission to spread awareness about Men’s mental health, and his experiences riding through remote parts of the world.


RIDERS IV: Trinia Cuseo

In this Stories of Bike: RIDERS episode, we meet Trinia Cuseo, founder and curator at Hinterland Empire. 


RIDERS III: Zach Iddings

In this Stories of Bike: RIDERS episode, featuring Zach Iddings, prolific motorcyclist and photographer from Los Angeles. 


RIDERS II: Angelique Illusorio

In this Stories of Bike: RIDERS episode, we meet Angelique Illusorio, a bay area native and avid custom and vintage motorcycle owner who greatly appreciates not only the aesthetic side of the culture but also its way of life.


RIDERS I: Erik Askin

In the first video in the experimental Stories of Bike: RIDERS series, we meet Erik Askin, an industrial engineer based in San Francisco and we hear of his affinity for his SR500 and the endless adventures his bike provides him with.